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Sleep deeply again.

The CELON method can help chronic snorers.

Help for snorers!

The gentle CELON Method is a widely proven treatment for snoring, which will help your partner (and you) sleep well again. The approximately
15-minute procedure requires no hospital stay.

Small causes, great effects

Everybody snores sometimes - it's normal. The causes of snoring can include alcohol consumption, sleep aids or a cold.

Regular snoring (every night) is known as 'habitual snoring'. The cause of this kind of snoring is often an enlarged or flaccid soft palate, frequently combined with enlarged nasal muscles. Even if the snorer's health is rarely compromised, snorers' sleeping partners frequently find their sleep being disturbed as a result.

How can snoring be investigated?

At the outset of treatment for snoring, you should always get the exact diagnosis from your doctor, and an individually customised treatment recommendation for it. Usually, initial investigations involve a visual examination and, if necessary, targeted questioning (e.g. with a survey).

Further investigations involve a screening with a portable measuring device, which is simply worn at home for one night. Should suspected sleep apnea be confirmed on the basis of the measurements, your doctor will discuss next steps with you, and in some circumstances, refer you to a sleep medicine specialist
(a somnologist) for further investigation. The somnologist will then record and assess various sleep parameters, including breathing activity, heart frequency, nightly movements / sleeping positions, blood oxygen content, and breathing sounds. The doctor can assess the data and use it to see which kind of snorer you are.

Further investigations will then offer a sleep endoscopy in addition. This is when the doctor uses a flexible endoscope to look through the nose into the pharynx, in order to get a more exact localisation of the cause of snoring.

What can my doctor do?

The aim of treatment with the CELON method is to shrink the affected areas in the nose and pharynx using targeted thermal therapy, and stabilise flaccid tissue. Snoring is treated directly at the source.

The minimally invasive procedure can be carried out by an ENT doctor under local anaesthetic. The entire treatment usually lasts no longer than 10 to 15 minutes. The results of the treatment can usually be felt after a few days; many patients are freed from snoring using the CELON method.

At the beginning of treatment for snoring, you should always get the exact diagnosis from your doctor, and an individually customised treatment recommendation for it.

Frequent benefits are:

  • Outpatient treatment - usually under local anaesthetic
  • Short procedure time - just a few minutes per treatment
  • Targeted thermal therapy for the tissue needing treatment
  • Preservation of organ surfaces, e.g. the mucous membrane
  • No effects on quality of life following the procedure
  • Treatment can be repeated if needed

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